Saturday, May 29, 2010

Touring the Town with Karma

Took the van out for a tour of the town today, as many of my sister's friends had wanted to see the van. We also took it to the school her boys attend so some of the youth there could see it, and they wrote on the chalkboard. We also drove out to the lake where my sister volunteers as First Aid in the summers.  The bear is in front of the BC Snowmobiler's Association office. The lady in the garden is a friend of my sister's who collects pigs of all sorts and she showed me her pig garden, including a pig graveyard for broken pigs. I took several shots of the tall trees in BC. My sister is in one of the pics for perspective. Click on any photo to enlarge it. I find it the local perception of the migrational "tree planters"(aka hippies) very interesting. Some locals dislike when the tree planters come to town every summer in their painted up vehicles, smelly bodies, and hog the parking spaces. Without trees, the local's very economy would not exist in this logging/mill dependent town. Do they not realize that when they cut all those trees to feed the starved logging mill, the trees will not grow back unless replanted? Food for thought...

1 comment:

  1. treeplanters "hippies" . WOW, the demographic must have changes since I planted trees way back in the day in the 70s and eighties. Then it was poor starving college students, a few out of work artists, some serious skiers/hikers, several career treeplanters and a few back to the landers needing cash to get their hydro/winter wheat/new truck/whatever. Not so much hippies as just honest folks trying to eke out a living. Kinda like loggers.


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