Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Not So Quiet Woods

So much for a quiet cabin in the woods. The landlords who live on the other side of the wall have surround sound, and for what reason, I honestly don't know. The cabins are barely bigger than a bathroom. And they play it SO DAMNED LOUD I'm about ready to take my axe to the door between us. At first it was an occasional movie, maybe once a week. It's been at least 4 nights in a row they have been playing movies for hours at TOP volume. I'm about ready to cry, honestly. I have a pounding headache from listening to it, and feel pretty powerless about the whole thing. She did not disclose this very annoying habit of theirs when I rented the place, and now I just want to move the hell out to get away from it. I am SO OVER IT. Surround sound is for when you own your very own separate house, not when you must subject your neighbors to it constantly. It was bad enough when I lived in Victoria, listening to the damned racket the neighbors made there, playing video games, music, and movies on surround sound, rattling the dishes in the cupboards, but now that I'm out in the woods, I thought it might actually be peaceful, but it seems I was sadly mistaken. If it isn't the damned construction site next to the property waking me up, it is the damned surround sound next door irritating the HELL out of me. This is NOT what I signed up for. Seriously. Most of the time it is fairly peaceful but that surround sound really gets to me.

Oh yeah, and I'm premenstrual so if you catch the glint of steel in the moonlight, that might be my axe flying through the air...

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