Monday, July 5, 2010

Victorian Life

I wrote a lengthy blog post but left it on my memory stick at home...dammit. So here is the brief version - been busy with everyday life, going to the parks with my friend A. and little guy J., checking out new coffee shops, street vendors, flower gardens,. painting various things like a lawn chair for a we're at the public library to use the computer signal as it's completely unstable and unreliable at the house (camping out on someone else's connection, even the ones we have permission for...)

more highlights to come - Ringo Starr concert at the end of the month, followed by Van Morrison at the Gorge, followed by 3 weeks in San Francisco, ending with a Dave Matthews Band concert before heading to Seattle for Bob Dylan with the crew from Victoria, one of whom is planning to join me for the rest of the hippy tour.  After Bob Dylan, we head south down the coast of Washington, Oregon, and into California for the rest of September before heading into the desert to Las Vegas to meet up with my daughter and her boyfriend for a couple of days.  Then it's a Tom Petty concert in Hollywood, and Jack Johnson in Chula Vista before heading south into Mexico and beyond...oh yeah, it's gonna be a rocking good year...

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