love those gnarly arbutus trees |
arbutus sure stand out in the forest |
looks like fairies should live here! |
someone told me they are Tuckamore trees |
see the faint petroglyph? |
the sun sure sparkled on the ocean |
yellow lichens |
another faint petroglyph |
mossy stump - glove for size comparison |
Olympia Mtns were in clouds |
It was a lovely fine day out there today for a hike, so I returned to East Sooke Park where I was before, but took a different trail. I had attempted this trail before, but silly me did not bring my rubber boots that time, so had to turn back and try another. This time I was in the proper gear, and boy did I need my boots - lots of muck and water along the trail from the heavy rains lately. The weather was just gorgeous, sunny and warm, and before long I was stripping layers off, and panting like a dog. Shirtsleeves were all that was necessary. The trail was not an easy one, with lots of clamoring over rocks and trees, and sure gave me a cardio workout, which I sorely need. I was in search of the petroglyph mentioned in the park info and signage. I was kind of disappointed. I passed them at first, and kept on hiking before I checked with someone and found out just what there was to see. They were less than noticeable, and not all that impressive. Apparently they have faded over time...
Petroglyphs aside, the hike was amazing with such a beautiful view of the ocean. The sun was sparkling on the calm waters, and there were tons of folks on the trails everywhere. I didn't take my water along as my camera bag does not have a space for it - gotta figure something out though as I was parched! I guess I looked pretty pathetic on the way back as someone stopped me to ask if I was alright and so I told them I was just hot and thirsty and they offered me a drink from their water bottle - a fresh one they had along for the dog, and the dog had not yet drank from it, ha ha. It sure quenched my thirst, and when I got back to the van, I downed another litre. I always keep some in the van in a cooler, and boy it sure went down nice.
I love Vancouver Island!
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