Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Give Me Cozy Cabin Life Anyday

I went to Victoria yesterday to pick up my refunded damage deposit from my former landlord. They were on the phone when I got there, suffering computer issues that would not let them print out a cheque for me. Great. He asked me if I could come back later, or could they mail it to me. Um, no. It was the only thing I came into town for, that and to check my mail. I made the landlord aware of this. He then  offered to dash to the bank to get a money order from the account for me. Okay, make it snappy. Oh, what, you want me to come with you? Okay, sure, if that means I'll wrap this up quicker. Let's walk? Okay, if it's just down the street. Meanwhile, nearly 4 blocks later we cross the street and into what also happens to be my bank. That's good. I can deposit the money right there. If only he remembered the PIN for his bank card...sigh...so then he tried calling the receptionist for it as she normally did the banking. Problem was, she was already on the phone with the tech support...still...had been for over an hour. Finally he thought to call her cell phone and finally got through to her for the PIN. He finally handed me the cash, and off he went. I continued on and deposited the cash. I was out the door just minutes after him but he was nowhere in sight. I felt in my pocket the keys I had readied for him while I was sitting in the bank so long. No matter, I had to pass by the office anyhow to get back to my van. I dropped the keys off, she was still on the phone, and the landlord was nowhere in sight, having made another stop I reckon on his return to the office.

Anyway....once I had the dough, I headed to Walmart to stock up on a few things. It had started to snow, so I didn't spend too much time dinking around there. It can sometimes feel like the twilight zone, and I lose all track of time. I haven't been wearing a watch since about my second day on this journey last April, wanting to take a break from being a clock-watching government worker. It has been very relaxing to say the least, but the hazard is, losing track of time. After Walmart I headed home, stopping at the only Superstore for miles for a couple more things. We were to get snow and rain this week and the roads would be messy, so I stocked up for awhile. I'd rather stay the hell home and let someone else flip their car into the ditch. There's already been one this week, knocking out the power for 8 hours.

So that was yesterday. Today has been spent reviewing things for my upcoming job interview, watching yet another weird Australian movie, and the general business of the day - dishes, shower, cooking, nap on the loveseat with Stormy...I just wish I had arranged for some firewood. I emailed one fellow but haven't heard back. I'll have to grab the paper when I'm in town next to see if anyone is selling a half cord. I've seen a few signs, but am always moving and not able to jot the phone number down as I fly by on the highway. Yeah, Karma can fly...but she doesn't speed. Her new bumper sticker reads "I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings"...homage to my very moving experience with Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers last summer at the Gorge.

The cabin is working well for Stormy and I. I carry him upstairs each night and back down again in the morning. He isn't the least bit restless at night, which surprises me. He does check out the upstairs windows from time to time, but for the most part, sleeps soundly on the bed, stretching his toes into my back. The only noise I hear is when the neighbor has her surround sound on for a movie, and when she and her partner are talking loudly. Sometimes it sounds like arguing, while at others, just a loud discussion. That's when I turn my music up...and tune them out.

The stars are easily found on clear nights here. Sometimes I sit out and watch them appear in the dark night sky. Away from the city's amber glow, the sky seems full of them. My view of the sky is limited by trees, something I never had to worry much about in Newfoundland. The timber is tall here, and the wind whistles through the trees. I love it.

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