Thursday, June 2, 2011
A New Blogger Joins the Ranks
My friend from Vancouver Island has just begun blogging to share stories about her skills and gorgeous artwork in its many mediums. I have a pair of wings that she designed for me, and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE them. You can check out her blog here: wonderouswhimsy blog. She also has a website where you can check out her artwork here:wonderous whimsy website. She will be setting up shop at a variety of festivals this year, so please feel free to contact her to find out if she will be in an area near you soon!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Wrapping up the Tour
Well, this will be my last post for this blog as my year of travelling wraps up this weekend. It has been an amazing year, and just what the doctor ordered. I have made some wonderful friends, taken in some beautiful music, explored some gorgeous landscapes, and experienced some amazing times. I feel refreshed, energized, and ready to hit the ground running in my next adventure - Australia. Here are the highlights of the past year, in no particular order:
- 8 music concerts - Crosby, Stills & Nash, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (opened by Joe Cocker), Ringo Starr and his All Starr Band, Van Morrison (opened by John Legend), Bob Dylan, Roger Waters:The Wall Live, and Eric Clapton.
- 24,000 kilometres that spanned from Halifax to Alaska to Oregon in the Karma van
- visits with many of my friends and family in New Brunswick, Brockville, Waterloo, Kitchener, Mississauga, Toronto, St. Catharine's Winnipeg, Devon, Whitehorse, Marsh Lake, Enderby, Kamloops, Kelowna, Gibsons, Burnaby, Campbell River, and last but not least by any means - Victoria.
- camping dozens of venues such as campgrounds, rv parks, rest areas, truck stops, ballfield parking lots, Wal-mart parking lots, backyards, front yards, driveways, curbsides, and my personal favorite - next to a babbling brook in my friend Lucille's gorgeous field behind her house in Enderby.
- thousands of photos of landscapes, wildlife, concerts, buildings, people, and whatever caught my eye
- drank, ate, and smoked whatever and whenever I wanted (within reason - I am not as young as I used to be)
- spent every single cent that I had for the year
Now it is time to head to Australia tomorrow and get back to work. It's been a marvelous year.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Stormy's New Adventure Begins
Stormy had a few words for me as I packed up his things |
![]() |
made himself at home on the new owner's bed |
lots of natural light and windows for Stormy |
Well, I met with Stormy's new family yesterday as they came out to meet him and see if they felt it would be a good fit for them. Today I brought him in to see if he liked their home and it went very well. Stormy settled in as if he had always been there, jumped up on their bed and curled up for some grooming. He inspected the place for nooks and crannies, and anything to smell, and made himself right at home in the kitchen when either was puttering out there, wrapping his body around their legs as he does for me. There was such a positive vibe in the home, and his new family was really receptive towards him so I think I held out for the best home. Many off the offers came with children and dogs, which wouldn't be the best situation for him if looking to reduce stress. Both of his new family members are yoga instructors so are laid back and relaxed, which is right up his alley. There are lots of big windows, and a perch in the bedroom for him to check out the bird and other critters that prowl through the back court-yard. Once his essentials were in place (food, water, litter, toys, condo and teddy) he acted like he'd been there always. It was a hard decision for me to make on his behalf, as he has likely a good 10 years or more to be with a family, and I think I found him a superb home. They have offered to keep in touch and send me photos of him from time to time, to let me know how he is doing which is very comforting. I will miss this little guy, but know it was the best decision for him as my life is entering this next adventure, bound for Australia.
It was a year ago yesterday that I left Halifax with Stormy in the Karma van, and our first stop was Miriamchi to visit my childhood friend. I don't know where the year went, but it has been one hell of a year, with so much adventure packed in, and Stormy was there for the first leg of the road trip. I truly enjoyed his company in the van as I made my way across this vast country (particularly the seemingly endless northern Ontario). I needed his affection these past few years as things were rough with my father's death and the explosion of my apartment building, and he was there. Now he is going to enjoy a different life with a couple of great women and I think he will be happy with the home I've chosen for him. As I may have mentioned before, one of these gals had to find a new home ten years ago for a black tomcat when she left for Australia, and now here I am heading there myself.
Karma is in balance once again.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Diana, The Parking Lot Stalker
For several mornings now, my landlady who lives in the cabin on the other half of this one has been stalking the parking lot. At 7:00am in the damn morning. I know they are early risers because I hear their sliding door get rammed back and forth, starting at about 5am. What I really mind though is when she seems to stalk anyone getting into their vehicle outside our cabin windows. I'm not sure who's bright idea it was to have the sleeping loft window open out into the parking lot, but she certainly knows how to wake people up. She not only stalks people out there, she talks VERY LOUDLY to them as their vehicle is usually running by the time she gets there. One morning she got into a very loud argument with one of the tenants as he tried to leave for work. She was on him about the rent, which kind of pissed me off, but certainly pissed him off as it was several days away from the first of the month and when she can legally ask for the rent, which is what he was trying to tell her. I get the feeling the landlords are having financial problems. I was talking to another of my neighbor tenants last week in town and he said she even demands that he show her bank statements to prove when his Canada Pension cheques are being deposited. WTF? Not only is she a parking lot stalker, she is a bank account stalker.
I can't wait to move out of here. I am so over the parking lot stalker.
I can't wait to move out of here. I am so over the parking lot stalker.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Stormy is Popular!
Had two more inquiries about Stormy today. One from some asshole who thought it was cool to phone me at 7:00am to ask about him. Of course, I was still asleep in bed, and by the time I climbed down from my sleeping loft to the phone, he had hung up and left me a message. Yeah, Ron. I have something else in mind for you than my kitty...who the hell calls someone's house at 7:00am in response to an ad???
The second response today though just sounds like karma. It was from a woman who had moved to Australia 10 years ago and had to give away her own black cat to do so, and is now back in Canada, and looking to give a home to a kitty as a way of repaying the goodness that comes from our furry friends. So now I am left wondering - how do I make sure I choose the right home for Stormy? I had not been expecting such response. I know that I don't want him to go to a home with dogs, and he must be kept inside as he is an indoor cat. This latest respondent intends on keeping Stormy in as they live on a busy street, which is just fine with me. She also teaches yoga and wanted to know how Stormy would be with strangers, and if he would run and hide. Ah...Stormy and yoga. Firstly, Stormy loves people and takes to just about anyone, climbing up their leg, rubbing his face against them, and if you give him treats - you're his new best friend. He is no wallflower, and I've never known him to run away from anyone or anything - other than the explosion in the house fire last year. As for yoga - Stormy loves to watch me do yoga and often tries to "help" by walking over me when I'm in a floor pose, ha ha.
So how do I choose? I thought this Saturday arrangement was going to be the one, although I made no commitment, it was just a meet and greet. Now I feel like the latest one is the right home, but until I meet the folks and see where he will be living, I think it will be difficult to decide. I so want him to be in the best home, where folks are not moving all the time like I tend to do. He needs to be somewhere he can look out the window whenever he wants, and with people who love him, and will make sure he does not escape outside. He isn't a darter out the door, but very much an opportunist - if he thinks you are not looking and the door is open - he will go out, for sure. He is very affectionate so would need someone who appreciates this in him and will allow him to get on their lap, and sleep on their bed. Although when he was with my daughter for several months last year, she said he did not sleep on their bed, but it also had two people in it, and there were 3 other cats in the house, some of whom also slept on the bed. So who knows.
Decisions, decisions! I want to make the right one.
The second response today though just sounds like karma. It was from a woman who had moved to Australia 10 years ago and had to give away her own black cat to do so, and is now back in Canada, and looking to give a home to a kitty as a way of repaying the goodness that comes from our furry friends. So now I am left wondering - how do I make sure I choose the right home for Stormy? I had not been expecting such response. I know that I don't want him to go to a home with dogs, and he must be kept inside as he is an indoor cat. This latest respondent intends on keeping Stormy in as they live on a busy street, which is just fine with me. She also teaches yoga and wanted to know how Stormy would be with strangers, and if he would run and hide. Ah...Stormy and yoga. Firstly, Stormy loves people and takes to just about anyone, climbing up their leg, rubbing his face against them, and if you give him treats - you're his new best friend. He is no wallflower, and I've never known him to run away from anyone or anything - other than the explosion in the house fire last year. As for yoga - Stormy loves to watch me do yoga and often tries to "help" by walking over me when I'm in a floor pose, ha ha.
So how do I choose? I thought this Saturday arrangement was going to be the one, although I made no commitment, it was just a meet and greet. Now I feel like the latest one is the right home, but until I meet the folks and see where he will be living, I think it will be difficult to decide. I so want him to be in the best home, where folks are not moving all the time like I tend to do. He needs to be somewhere he can look out the window whenever he wants, and with people who love him, and will make sure he does not escape outside. He isn't a darter out the door, but very much an opportunist - if he thinks you are not looking and the door is open - he will go out, for sure. He is very affectionate so would need someone who appreciates this in him and will allow him to get on their lap, and sleep on their bed. Although when he was with my daughter for several months last year, she said he did not sleep on their bed, but it also had two people in it, and there were 3 other cats in the house, some of whom also slept on the bed. So who knows.
Decisions, decisions! I want to make the right one.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Separation Anxiety
So it looks like I might have found a new home for Stormy. I posted an ad on usedvictoria this morning but didn't really expect much activity as there were several dozen cats already listed on there to give away. However, I received several emails, and a couple of phonecalls but several had dogs in the house - one with two BIG dogs, and I wasn't particularly interested in those homes as I think that would just add MORE stress to the little guy's life. Then tonight I had a call from a man who lives with 3 roomies in a house that he has no plans to move out of anytime soon. So we chatted about Stormy, and it seems like it could be the right home. I offered to bring Stormy in to meet him this Saturday afternoon, and meet his roommates. Apparently they are all part of an 80's cover band, which sounds interesting. They rehearse in the house, which could be loud, but Stormy has never minded the music I play all day long, so it might be just fine.
I'm having some separation anxiety though. I adopted Stormy when he was just 5 weeks old, so very tiny and we have been through a lot together. He traveled across the country with me to the Yukon, the NWT, and then back to Nova Scotia before driving back across the country with me last year. We went through the house fire together - I got out with the clothes on my back, my blackberry, my small laptop (grabbed on the way out) and Stormy. Stormy was my first priority and as the smoke filled my house, I remember panicking, thinking about not being able to find him as he ran under the bed after the explosion. I was so glad I got him out of the fire. I don't think I could have lived with myself if I didn't. Two other kitties in the apartment building did not make it out. Stormy was there when my dad was dying, and comforted me for hours on my lap as I cried my way through it. In fact, I'm crying now, just thinking about it all. I know this is the right thing to do for Stormy, as I cannot take him to Australia and he needs a permanent and stable home, but it doesn't make it any easier.
I hope his new owners take good care of him. He deserves it. He has been such a good cat over the years, probably my best kitty, truth be told. I loved all my kitties, but Stormy is the most affectionate, cool kitty you could ask for. He is so mellow, still loves to play, and is a great lap cat. He has no real bad habits, and has been so much fun to have in the house with me these past 6 years. I'm gonna miss him. Sniff...
I'm having some separation anxiety though. I adopted Stormy when he was just 5 weeks old, so very tiny and we have been through a lot together. He traveled across the country with me to the Yukon, the NWT, and then back to Nova Scotia before driving back across the country with me last year. We went through the house fire together - I got out with the clothes on my back, my blackberry, my small laptop (grabbed on the way out) and Stormy. Stormy was my first priority and as the smoke filled my house, I remember panicking, thinking about not being able to find him as he ran under the bed after the explosion. I was so glad I got him out of the fire. I don't think I could have lived with myself if I didn't. Two other kitties in the apartment building did not make it out. Stormy was there when my dad was dying, and comforted me for hours on my lap as I cried my way through it. In fact, I'm crying now, just thinking about it all. I know this is the right thing to do for Stormy, as I cannot take him to Australia and he needs a permanent and stable home, but it doesn't make it any easier.
I hope his new owners take good care of him. He deserves it. He has been such a good cat over the years, probably my best kitty, truth be told. I loved all my kitties, but Stormy is the most affectionate, cool kitty you could ask for. He is so mellow, still loves to play, and is a great lap cat. He has no real bad habits, and has been so much fun to have in the house with me these past 6 years. I'm gonna miss him. Sniff...
Friday, March 25, 2011
City Highlights
saki |
dumplings |
Clover Point park |
love the bowls |
I've been into the city a few times in the past week with some interesting experiences with some amazing people. Last weekend there were 19 of us sharing a very long table of Japanese food for a friend's birthday. I knew about half of the people, so that's always good. The food was pretty good, though I don't eat seafood, so did not have sushi. Thankfully Japanese cook other proteins too, so I had some sesame chicken wings, and some Japanese pork dumplings. The wings were a bit dry, but otherwise tasty. The dumplings were quite good, and I managed to eat them all with chop-sticks. I had me a Japanese lager which was pretty good, and nicely chilled. I finished it off with a big piece of cheesecake I shared with my table buddies. Many of my table buddies were eating box meals and drinking saki.
After supper most of the 19 began the pilgrimage down the street to a local pub. Now getting most of those 19 together to leave at once was impossible, and everyone had a different path to the pub, so we agreed to meet up there and see who's route was faster. On the way there as we had just split apart and were on two sides of the streets, along with the rest of the Saturday night downtown crowd when we heard screeching tires and then WHAM BANG car was trying to make a left hand turn when the light ran out on him and he decided not to rush it but apparently the guy behind him didn't realize that until it was too late and slammed into the car, bounced back about 10 feet or so, and then gassed up and hit the car again, though I suspect that was a reflex of some sort, as it wasn't a slam bang, just jolted forward. We looked at one another and reminded each other this was why we were walking after a few drinks...and decided to keep heading to the pub. If the police wanted witnesses, there were about 40-50 people around that intersection at the time...I was thirsty so off we went. The pub was usual style, with a Beatles cover band. They were dressed like the mop-tops from the 60's and were actually pretty good. They were very young, and that added to the charm and they pulled it off. It became very apparent to me however, that the pub was a stop on the cougar crawl, and a bit of a meat market. That was no real surprise as it is what keeps me from going to the nightclubs, but usually the pubs are not as bad...I had a good time in spite of this, but was getting tired of being leered at and groped as I wove through the crowd. I was spending the night with my friends in my camper parked in their back yard, so when they decided to head for home, I left with them along with another gal from the same 'hood. Sleeping in the van for the first time in awhile was interesting and a little cold. I just had a comforter with me, and didn't bring a thick sweater or hoodie to wear. It does cool down at night, and the van had no residual heat since I'd parked it hours ago. A lot different than last summer when I had all the windows open to keep it from being too hot when I went to bed.
Yesterday I went to town for some errands related to my work visa and due to a cockup with paperwork by the secretary, I had to stay over so I could drop the right forms off in the morning. I hung out with my friends in another outdoor porch gathering. There was a similar gathering next door on their porch and while I was inside the porch crowd at my friend's had found an Australian at the next door porch party. And he had been to Alice Springs. So I abandoned my friends to go and pick this fella's brain for a bit. Met a few of his friends, and we had a grand old chat about Australia and I found myself invited to a house party on Saturday night in Sooke...on my road! So I may head down there tomorrow night for a bit...
Today my friend and I took our hungover bodies and her 2 year old out for more errands - drop off the paperwork, Tim Horton's for a treat, stroll about the mall, stop at Zellers, then off to the beach for a stroll with the little guy. I picked up a nice piece of seaweed to dry, and Jack found lots of sand. He had fun, and we didn't mind the spitting rain. We then headed to Dairy Queen to pick up a birthday cake for my friend's birthday on Sunday.
After dropping off the gang, I headed back to Sooke and was immediately accosted by Stormy who had apparently worn out his meower in my absence....and gave me shit about it in his croaking voice. Awwww....poor kitty. So I had to submit for inspection and mauling for awhile. I think it will be an early night tonight...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A Musical Year
This past year has been filled with music, both live and recorded. As I look back over the year, I can't help but want to list all of the shows I have seen to date, including those of other years.
London, ON 2002 - April Wine
Port Hawkesbury, NS 2003 - Trooper
Moncton 2005 - The Rolling Stones, opened by The Tragically Hip, Our Lady Peace, and Maroon Five
Halifax 2009 - Paul McCartney
Halifax 2009 - KISS
Portland, OR 2010 - Crosby, Stills & Nash
The Gorge, WA 2010 - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - opened by Joe Cocker
Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery, WA 2010 - Ringo Starr & his All Starr Band (Edgar Winter, Rick Derringer, Gary Wright)
The Gorge, WA 2010 - Van Morrison - opened by John Legend
Seattle, WA 2010 - Bob Dylan @ Bumbershoot
Tacoma, WA 2010 - Roger Waters: The Wall Live
Seattle, WA 2011 - Eric Clapton
I have shows from all of this past year's shows except Van Morrison. They were sold out because I made the mistake of going for a shirt AFTER the show instead of when I usually do - BEFORE.
London, ON 2002 - April Wine
Port Hawkesbury, NS 2003 - Trooper
Moncton 2005 - The Rolling Stones, opened by The Tragically Hip, Our Lady Peace, and Maroon Five
Halifax 2009 - Paul McCartney
Halifax 2009 - KISS
Portland, OR 2010 - Crosby, Stills & Nash
The Gorge, WA 2010 - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - opened by Joe Cocker
Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery, WA 2010 - Ringo Starr & his All Starr Band (Edgar Winter, Rick Derringer, Gary Wright)
The Gorge, WA 2010 - Van Morrison - opened by John Legend
Seattle, WA 2010 - Bob Dylan @ Bumbershoot
Tacoma, WA 2010 - Roger Waters: The Wall Live
Seattle, WA 2011 - Eric Clapton
I have shows from all of this past year's shows except Van Morrison. They were sold out because I made the mistake of going for a shirt AFTER the show instead of when I usually do - BEFORE.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Winding Down the Sunrise Tour
There have been some awesome sunrises and equally magnificent sunsets along the journey of the past year, not to mention a wide assortment of sunflowers. I did not find a sunflower field along the way as hoped, however seeing that people all over the country enjoy planting them was enough for me. Karma is up for sale, looking forward to another adventure with someone new. A potential buyer has plans to take her to California for a visit, which pleases me. Karma needs to get there at some point, and if not with me, then with someone else. If things go as planned, I could be in Australia within the month, so will be embarking on my own new adventure and will be winding down this blog with a final post when that happens. In the meantime, the next few weeks are going to be busy with all the paperwork and arrangements of what emigrating to another country entails, and winding down my life in Canada for now. Stormy needs to find a permanent home before I leave for Australia.
I don't want to lose sight of the current adventure in the haze of preparing for the next, so plan to try and squeeze in a few more new hikes, maybe a drive to Port Renfrew next week to see a few more surfer hangouts, and a night on the town with some friends this Saturday night. And there is always time to take note of one's environment - stopping to smell the roses you might say.
This is what I heard tonight as I sat in the doorway of my cabin on a padded stool, Stormy standing guard beside me, the screen separating him from the darkness of night.
- the dripping of water somewhere. It rained today, like it has darn near every day since November. There is always something that is wet and drippy this time of year.
- the honking of the Canada geese that circle overhead frequently and hang out in the lake below. I think there is a mating pair in the marsh nearby.
- the ribbeting of many frogs - very recent
- the wind whispering through the thick forest
- the murmuring quacks from the ducks who live in the lake below
- the piano man thundering away on his instrument, singing along
- the caterwauling of dueling felines who tried to drown him out...or sing was hard to tell as they stole the show. Stormy was very interested at this point.
- the occasional jet roar from a not so distant flight path to somewhere
- an occasional car on the highway nearby, headlights flashing down briefly across the lake. The property owners do not own all of what is around the lake, just a portion of it, so there is development going up all around this piece of land, and the forest will shrink again. They bought what they could to preserve the wilder look of the woods.
It's a somewhat clear night. I can see clouds but also some stars among the clear bits of sky. Spring is definitely in the air here. There are 4 different types of birds or more that scour the front of the cabin for birdseed that I fling out each day. Stormy loves the entertainment and as the air gets warmer, I open the door and just pull the screen across so he can smell the outdoors. He squirms and makes noises at the birds like he wants to leap after them, but he has already figured out that he can't walk through the screen, and has not figured out he can probably shred it with his claws. Sometimes it's his ignorance that keeps him safe.
I won't be up for sunrise in the morning...not unless it's a blinding sun...
I don't want to lose sight of the current adventure in the haze of preparing for the next, so plan to try and squeeze in a few more new hikes, maybe a drive to Port Renfrew next week to see a few more surfer hangouts, and a night on the town with some friends this Saturday night. And there is always time to take note of one's environment - stopping to smell the roses you might say.
This is what I heard tonight as I sat in the doorway of my cabin on a padded stool, Stormy standing guard beside me, the screen separating him from the darkness of night.
- the dripping of water somewhere. It rained today, like it has darn near every day since November. There is always something that is wet and drippy this time of year.
- the honking of the Canada geese that circle overhead frequently and hang out in the lake below. I think there is a mating pair in the marsh nearby.
- the ribbeting of many frogs - very recent
- the wind whispering through the thick forest
- the murmuring quacks from the ducks who live in the lake below
- the piano man thundering away on his instrument, singing along
- the caterwauling of dueling felines who tried to drown him out...or sing was hard to tell as they stole the show. Stormy was very interested at this point.
- the occasional jet roar from a not so distant flight path to somewhere
- an occasional car on the highway nearby, headlights flashing down briefly across the lake. The property owners do not own all of what is around the lake, just a portion of it, so there is development going up all around this piece of land, and the forest will shrink again. They bought what they could to preserve the wilder look of the woods.
It's a somewhat clear night. I can see clouds but also some stars among the clear bits of sky. Spring is definitely in the air here. There are 4 different types of birds or more that scour the front of the cabin for birdseed that I fling out each day. Stormy loves the entertainment and as the air gets warmer, I open the door and just pull the screen across so he can smell the outdoors. He squirms and makes noises at the birds like he wants to leap after them, but he has already figured out that he can't walk through the screen, and has not figured out he can probably shred it with his claws. Sometimes it's his ignorance that keeps him safe.
I won't be up for sunrise in the morning...not unless it's a blinding sun...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Surfer Girls Rocked the Waves
Another fabulous day at Jordan River beach. The first group that was out didn't get much wave action going but then these girls came out and took the waves for a ride, following them for a few hundred yards or more.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Karma Interest
However, that is not the case with the current interested buyer. We've got plans to meet tomorrow in the city to go for a test drive and for her to get a real good look at Karma to see if it is what she is looking for. I'm hopeful! I really need to sell the van before I move to Australia next month, or I will have to find somewhere to store it while it waits to be sold. I need the cash to buy a vehicle once I arrive in Australia. Funnily enough, last night I had an offer on the van - someone wanted to trade me a 1996 Toyota T100 4x4 in good condition.I had to write back to him and decline - I'm not looking to acquire a truck!
I'm kind of sad that I have to sell Karma, but feel good that the person looking to buy it will take her on another adventure, particularly to California - Karma was meant to go!
As soon as I sell the van, I was planning to pick up a cheapo weather beater car for about $500 to get me through until my work visa comes in, as I can't be without a vehicle out here in Sooke. Once my visa comes through, I'd be leaving the car behind for my friends in Victoria to have.
Here's to continuing good Karma!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Beecher Point
love those gnarly arbutus trees |
arbutus sure stand out in the forest |
looks like fairies should live here! |
someone told me they are Tuckamore trees |
see the faint petroglyph? |
the sun sure sparkled on the ocean |
yellow lichens |
another faint petroglyph |
mossy stump - glove for size comparison |
Olympia Mtns were in clouds |
Petroglyphs aside, the hike was amazing with such a beautiful view of the ocean. The sun was sparkling on the calm waters, and there were tons of folks on the trails everywhere. I didn't take my water along as my camera bag does not have a space for it - gotta figure something out though as I was parched! I guess I looked pretty pathetic on the way back as someone stopped me to ask if I was alright and so I told them I was just hot and thirsty and they offered me a drink from their water bottle - a fresh one they had along for the dog, and the dog had not yet drank from it, ha ha. It sure quenched my thirst, and when I got back to the van, I downed another litre. I always keep some in the van in a cooler, and boy it sure went down nice.
I love Vancouver Island!
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