Okay, so we know about being left the drill without the drill bits last night. I failed to mention the two older ladies who thought they had drill bits for me. Both went digging in their apartments only to come up with screwdriver tips, and no
actual drill bits. They both showed up at the door proudly showing me their find...Ladies, I need a drill bit, something to DRILL WITH, not something to put screws in with. I have that already, it's called a SCREW DRIVER. I need to make tiny holes through the planks into the bed frame so I can then use drive screws into those holes without splitting the wood. Apparently I must have been the topic of conversation today. I only mentioned it to my next door neighbor last night when I bumped into her as I was stomping down to the recycling with my empty boxes, fuming about the lack of drill bits. This afternoon, as I was just falling off to sleep in a good catnap with Stormy, the second gal came pounding on the door. I only got up because I thought it was mr handyman looking for his drill. I was planning to pounce on him and ask him for the bits. Sigh...no sign of mr handyman today, even though he said he expected to be here all day today.
There was also an older male neighbor who threw his hat in...and came up empty. Thought he had drill bits too, but came back with nothing. He didn't own a drill, but thought he may have some bits...If I have to go buy a damn drill bit just to put my bed together, I am going to be unhappy. The real irony is that my father's extensive collection of tools contains probably dozens and dozens of drill bits, in both imperial and metric sizes, with many duplicates. Dammit. His tool collection is about 6500 kilometres from here. I slept on the bed last night and while it was fine, it also feels like it won't take much stress, as the centre support is not in place yet - it also needs to be drilled and screws to position.
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