Saturday, December 26, 2009


So I have just over 3 months to work left before the journey begins.  I have heard that my house has been assessed, so things are getting done.  Once they come back to me with a number, I will be able to better plan the trip.  I may only get enough to pay off my student loans, which will mean a much shorter trip...but a trip nonetheless. Whatever they pay, I have to split half with my ex-husband...shitty.  As long as he doesn't find a way to frig it all up, I'll be happy.

I've been searching for the perfect VW camper for the journey.  I have a model in mind - from 1971-3 if possible seems to be the best layout. I won't be able to zero in on one until the money comes through, but there seems to be plenty on the market. I'm not looking for a van in showroom condition, just something functionable, and reliable - as reliable as an old VW can be.

I've been doing some research and making some plans with friends along the way.  I can't wait to get to the west coast to chill for a few months. We're going to a number of music festivals, which should be amazing.  I didn't get to any music festivals this year, just a few concerts so am overdue!

So that's all the news...very little.  Once the $$$ comes in, things will begin to happen I reckon.

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