After feeling a little shack-whacky, staying in because of the rainy days, I decided to don me rubber boots and get out there. I drove to the park (it's a bit far) and parked Karma, and no sooner had I parked than two peacocks came running over. I had just enough time to snap some close ups. They kind of followed me about in the park, so I had ample opportunity to take some good photos. I also came across some hybrid ducks. Notice the golden brown duck compared to the usual brown of the female black duck. There is also a male duck with a thick white neck band, more of a patch of pure white. I also saw another male duck with a spotted patch on his chest.
It was a bit misty rainy out there, but it felt great to be outside. Victoria has so many gorgeous parks and ocean front, I love it. I took the last shot on Dallas Road, with the mountains in Washington looming across the strait.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Santa Claus Parade
the Town Criers |
not often you see a clown with a walker... |
from the clown academy |
the Lady of the Lake, and her first and second princesses |
This is an organization that is part of the Mason's, for young women |
well that was a first for me - playing the electric guitar in a marching band. |
I went to the local Santa Claus Parade last night, here in Victoria. It was at night, so my first nighttime parade. All the floats were lit right up, and I have to say, there were several really nice floats, and they looked so pretty in the dark with their vibrant colors. I went with my friend A. and her husband and their wee one, 2 years old. It was his first parade and his father enjoyed watching his son's reaction to the parade just as much or more than the parade. Wee one would call out to the floats/trucks "see you tomorrow truck!" and "Happy Christmas!" So cute! The weather was perfect, no rain, no wind, and just crisp enough to feel like its the right time of year for a Santa Claus Parade. The streets were packed with excited folks. The papers estimated that last year they had between 50,000 to 60,000 come for the parade. This year, they estimated that about 65-70,000 people came out last night. We were standing opposite to where the television crew was set up, so I think we probably showed up in a lot of their footage as the filmed the parade as it passed by. I took a ton of photos, but am just posting a few here. My Canon rebel takes great night photos.
T'was a lovely fine parade. Then my friend A. and I went out for a girls night a the house of another friend's. Five women, several bottles of wine (and my beers), a bowl of jello and a birthday cake later. Today I'm feeling the jello...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Karma Doesn't Like Snow
And neither do I. I chose to spend fall and winter in Victoria because of the mild winter and lack of snow. So far it has snowed for the past 4 days. I am less than impressed. We don't have a lot of accumulation, but the sight of it makes me want to puke. I am so OVER Canadian winters. Winter in general. I hate it. I have a friend who loves winter and loves snow and works in the north so she can have it 9 months of the year. That is not me. Not even close. I hate looking at it. I hate driving in it. I hate shoveling it. I hate walking in it. I hate hearing about it. And this week I had to drive Karma in it, which I had hoped not to do. I had a couple of medical appointments that were too far to walk to, and I was less than enthused about trying to figure out public transit in time to get there. So Karma and I were off and about the city. It isn't my driving that worries me. I can handle the snow. I've grown up around snow, and driven in the absolute worst of it. It is the people around me who do not seem to know how to drive in snow, along with those who forgot how to drive in it from last year. They make fine spinnakers...hurtling themselves all over the road. THAT'S what scares me most - some stupid idiot driver stomping on the gas in front of me and sending themselves into a wild spin that then hits me.
I find it hilarious to see people so bundled up. Yes, there is snow on the ground, but it is 1C. It isn't -55C. There is no need for a down jacket, fur-trimmed hood pulled up over your head and drawn tight, and snow pants. There is only about 2 inches of snow, max, and most of that is melting. I refuse to buy another winter coat, or winter boots. I packed mine away in a locker on the other side of the country, and had planned on being in Mexico this winter, but instead found myself here. I wouldn't wear what is in the locker here anyhow, as it is meant for my northern travel to the REAL cold parts of the country. I can't imagine wearing my down jacket in this climate - I barely wore it in the northern one. But then I run hot too, which everyone who has shared air with me knows. Apparently I am just like my paternal grandmother...a compliment for sure, but I could do without the internal furnace.

So I am hoping the weather improves this week and I can get out walking again. It's been pretty slippery because in climates where they don't typically get snow, people seem confused about what to do with it...PLOW THE ROAD. SHOVEL THE SIDEWALKS. USE SAND because SALT IS TOO SLIMY AND SLIPPERY. It's that simple, but yet it seems to elude this city. They have taken the Vancouver stance - it's gonna rain soon, so why bother.
Is it time to leave for Australia yet? Dammit I hope I get that job...
I find it hilarious to see people so bundled up. Yes, there is snow on the ground, but it is 1C. It isn't -55C. There is no need for a down jacket, fur-trimmed hood pulled up over your head and drawn tight, and snow pants. There is only about 2 inches of snow, max, and most of that is melting. I refuse to buy another winter coat, or winter boots. I packed mine away in a locker on the other side of the country, and had planned on being in Mexico this winter, but instead found myself here. I wouldn't wear what is in the locker here anyhow, as it is meant for my northern travel to the REAL cold parts of the country. I can't imagine wearing my down jacket in this climate - I barely wore it in the northern one. But then I run hot too, which everyone who has shared air with me knows. Apparently I am just like my paternal grandmother...a compliment for sure, but I could do without the internal furnace.

So I am hoping the weather improves this week and I can get out walking again. It's been pretty slippery because in climates where they don't typically get snow, people seem confused about what to do with it...PLOW THE ROAD. SHOVEL THE SIDEWALKS. USE SAND because SALT IS TOO SLIMY AND SLIPPERY. It's that simple, but yet it seems to elude this city. They have taken the Vancouver stance - it's gonna rain soon, so why bother.
Is it time to leave for Australia yet? Dammit I hope I get that job...
Monday, November 22, 2010
New Blog for a New Adventure
Okay, so I have decided to create another blog, for a different adventure. I'll be writing about the process of applying for work in the Northern Territory of Australia and then will post from Australia should I be successful in being offered a job. I'll still write on this one about my Sunrise hippy tour, and the travel into California and Mexico in February and March, however, once I head to Australia in April, I will be wrapping up this blog and moving onto the next adventure! You can find the new blog HERE and it's called Australia: Tales from a Canadian Nomad. If you lose the link, just go back to any blog I've had, and through my profile you can find the link again, just click on my photo to the left.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What's this? Australia? G'day Mates! And other stereotypes...
As most of you know, I'm not currently working in a paid position, but was planning to return to work in the spring after getting some writing completed. I had been thinking of working abroad in the UK for many years, as they have been recruiting for years, a shortage of social workers. I signed up for one website's emails to keep me posted on things for when I might be in a position to work abroad. Last week I updated my resume and registered with a few sites through this website. One of them called me today to offer me an interview for positions in Australia. They are hiring over 130 social workers with new budget funds and the push is on to fill them. The agency will help me work on all of my paperwork to work abroad and pay all of the fees for the work visa and any other permits. They will also pay my flight to and from, and to ship up to 15 boxes of personal effects. The wage is as high as I made in Yellowknife, if not more. There is an annuation of 9%, 6 weeks paid holidays, plus national holidays. The terms sound reasonable. What I have to find out is if I can work in the environment - both social and physical.
I don't particularly like the heat, humid heat being the worst. However, I have learned how to live with it when I have to. The apartments I checked out all had air conditioning, which would definitely help, and is necessary in the heat of the summer (our winter). I checked a few websites for weather information and the temperatures are not as scary as some might lead you to believe. Their record high is around 45C, and the average is in the 30's and that's mostly in the summer (our winter), while in the winter, it is more like 10-20C. Today it's 22C. The coast is very humid, but the inland is of course, rather dry, and there have been droughts. The community we talked most about today is Alice Springs, which seems to have reasonable weather, and a dry climate. Phew.
Rental housing prices are high, much like in the north, but with a high paycheck, no car payment and nearly no student loans, I can make it work easily. Many folks share accommodation, something I am not opposed to. They offer 3 months free accommodation while you search for your own place, so that's cool. They also offer a rental car for a month so you can check out the area.
There is quite a process involved in working abroad, paperwork that takes a few months to process, gather, etc. They are calling me again on Monday to go over what we discussed and see if I have any questions. I have to work on my CV, something I haven't done before, but will be a great opportunity to do my first one. They will also help me with that, and showcase my skills in the best way. I think I'm going to go through the process anyway, and in the meantime do as much research as I can about the job, area, and how it all works before signing on anyone's dotted line. At least they offer you the job quickly if they are interested, often at the interview, or the following day. That will be a relief and then I can make plans accordingly. I won't have much to ship...
I don't particularly like the heat, humid heat being the worst. However, I have learned how to live with it when I have to. The apartments I checked out all had air conditioning, which would definitely help, and is necessary in the heat of the summer (our winter). I checked a few websites for weather information and the temperatures are not as scary as some might lead you to believe. Their record high is around 45C, and the average is in the 30's and that's mostly in the summer (our winter), while in the winter, it is more like 10-20C. Today it's 22C. The coast is very humid, but the inland is of course, rather dry, and there have been droughts. The community we talked most about today is Alice Springs, which seems to have reasonable weather, and a dry climate. Phew.
Rental housing prices are high, much like in the north, but with a high paycheck, no car payment and nearly no student loans, I can make it work easily. Many folks share accommodation, something I am not opposed to. They offer 3 months free accommodation while you search for your own place, so that's cool. They also offer a rental car for a month so you can check out the area.
There is quite a process involved in working abroad, paperwork that takes a few months to process, gather, etc. They are calling me again on Monday to go over what we discussed and see if I have any questions. I have to work on my CV, something I haven't done before, but will be a great opportunity to do my first one. They will also help me with that, and showcase my skills in the best way. I think I'm going to go through the process anyway, and in the meantime do as much research as I can about the job, area, and how it all works before signing on anyone's dotted line. At least they offer you the job quickly if they are interested, often at the interview, or the following day. That will be a relief and then I can make plans accordingly. I won't have much to ship...
My 15 Minutes of...
the three ring circus that awaited me at home. I spent 3 nights in Vancouver with my sister and brother-in-law, and just got back near lunchtime. Lots of traffic on both sides, but nothing unexpected, just loud as we all roared into Victoria as a pod of ferry passengers, often surrounded by trucks on all sides. I almost felt like I was on the 401 again...egads. So I was glad when I finally hit Fernwood and my little dead-end street...ahhh, home, peace, quiet and my own bed! I pulled into the parking lot, and loaded up the first load to carrying into my first floor apartment. And then I heard a text message come in. I don't get many but my sister and daughter both text me, and my sister was driving on terrible roads today so I knew it was probably her, but I had my arms full and couldn't answer it in my purse at the time. I figured I'd grab it once I took the first load in.
I should have known...I think she heard me drive up, so pulled a Mabel - she timed her exit from her apartment for when I arrived at mine so as to entice a chat. Mabel hung out the same dishcloth 20 times a day as you were coming up the road so she could have a quick chat with you as you walked up the road, talking all the way. Mabel was completely harmless, and a dear kind soul, where as this one next door to me seems to have an evil gossipy spirit; one I am trying to tune out and off. Is it the end of January yet? So anyway, that was the first hit. I was ushered over close by to hear the latest gossip. Something about this one made reports to the office about that one, and she said this, and her cat that, and blah blah blah more stuff I honestly tried not to listen to as my head was spinning from all the roar of the traffic and I just wanted to put my damn armload down and get into my house where Stormy was clawing up the door for me to come in already.
I finally begged off and threw my stuff in, then went back out to grab the mail down past her apt. She was up smoking, and I got hauled in again...RUN! Then another text message came in. I still couldn't answer it. I was loaded up with the second lot from the van, trying to get the feck inside before I cornered again. I managed to get in with the last of it, Stormy wrapped around my legs, tripping me at each and every opportunity, the stench of an unchanged litterbox permeating my tiny apartment. I saw my voicemail was blinking and wasn't expecting any calls so thought best to check it right away. After wrestling with a hateful automated system, two telemarketing messages, and one from my doctor, I was just returning the doctor's call, and set the next appointment, when another text message chirped in. Okay, three of them, it might be serious. I should check it. Then the phone rang before I could. Stormy is still wrapping himself around me and meowing his usual complaints. The stench of cat litter is nearly ready to put me out, as I had all the windows closed while I was away (ground floor apt). It was another telemarketer. Choice I finally got to check my text messages, three from my sister and one from a friend I didn't hear come in. There was rotten weather but they were fine. Okay. Good. Then the phone rang, student loan people asking dumb questions. Piss off.
So I thought I would check the mail, and found only one piece I had to do anything with and a lot of junk. I called to confirm an appointment and I'll be damned if the texts didn't continue. All I wanted to do was scoop the damn poop and open the windows and pick up the cat before I punted him out of the way. Breathe in, breathe out. Okay...the craziness finally settled. This all happened within about 15 minutes. I hadn't even taken my shoes or sweater off at this point.
I managed to get something made for lunch and just finished that when the phone rang again. This time a recruitment agency wanting to interview me for positions in Australia. We were on the phone for well over an hour I reckon. That is a whole other story...
I should have known...I think she heard me drive up, so pulled a Mabel - she timed her exit from her apartment for when I arrived at mine so as to entice a chat. Mabel hung out the same dishcloth 20 times a day as you were coming up the road so she could have a quick chat with you as you walked up the road, talking all the way. Mabel was completely harmless, and a dear kind soul, where as this one next door to me seems to have an evil gossipy spirit; one I am trying to tune out and off. Is it the end of January yet? So anyway, that was the first hit. I was ushered over close by to hear the latest gossip. Something about this one made reports to the office about that one, and she said this, and her cat that, and blah blah blah more stuff I honestly tried not to listen to as my head was spinning from all the roar of the traffic and I just wanted to put my damn armload down and get into my house where Stormy was clawing up the door for me to come in already.
I finally begged off and threw my stuff in, then went back out to grab the mail down past her apt. She was up smoking, and I got hauled in again...RUN! Then another text message came in. I still couldn't answer it. I was loaded up with the second lot from the van, trying to get the feck inside before I cornered again. I managed to get in with the last of it, Stormy wrapped around my legs, tripping me at each and every opportunity, the stench of an unchanged litterbox permeating my tiny apartment. I saw my voicemail was blinking and wasn't expecting any calls so thought best to check it right away. After wrestling with a hateful automated system, two telemarketing messages, and one from my doctor, I was just returning the doctor's call, and set the next appointment, when another text message chirped in. Okay, three of them, it might be serious. I should check it. Then the phone rang before I could. Stormy is still wrapping himself around me and meowing his usual complaints. The stench of cat litter is nearly ready to put me out, as I had all the windows closed while I was away (ground floor apt). It was another telemarketer. Choice I finally got to check my text messages, three from my sister and one from a friend I didn't hear come in. There was rotten weather but they were fine. Okay. Good. Then the phone rang, student loan people asking dumb questions. Piss off.
So I thought I would check the mail, and found only one piece I had to do anything with and a lot of junk. I called to confirm an appointment and I'll be damned if the texts didn't continue. All I wanted to do was scoop the damn poop and open the windows and pick up the cat before I punted him out of the way. Breathe in, breathe out. Okay...the craziness finally settled. This all happened within about 15 minutes. I hadn't even taken my shoes or sweater off at this point.
I managed to get something made for lunch and just finished that when the phone rang again. This time a recruitment agency wanting to interview me for positions in Australia. We were on the phone for well over an hour I reckon. That is a whole other story...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mount Douglas Park
Had enough of the weather induced couch coma so decided to check out Mount Douglas Park. It was just spitting rain, so decided to risk it. I'm not made of sugar after all, no matter what you may think, heh heh. I parked and checked out the view from the dryness of Karma, then opted to hike to the summit. It isn't far, but it is nearly straight up and a bit of a workout for an asthmatic with a chest cold, but I did it, one step at a time. I always keep a puffer in my camera bag anyhow, given I like to photograph on my hikes. By the time I got to the top, it was no longer spitting, it was raining. Good thing my trusty camera bag came with a rain shield, which I had put on before I left the van. The view was quite good, however a lot of fog and mist clouded the mountain views in the distance. I shall have to return on a blue sky day to check out the panoramic view from the top. The park was quite busy too, with all of the parking lots near full. Karma stood out so I took her photo. She looks great in the mountain settings.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Trapped in the WalMart Timewarp
I know, Walmart sucks this and that, but I like cheap prices on my groceries, and other necessities. There aren't many other department stores around anymore with the disappearance of K-mart and Woolworth's. Sears and the Bay are for the elite bank accounts. So we have Walmart and the Dollar stores. There's only one Superstore in this neck of the woods, in the next town 14kms away. Every town has them in Canada now. We have a giant brand new one. I don't like it much, but it sure doesn't keep me from going. The one ridiculous flaw they made in the design of the new building as it became part of a shopping complex was that while they have a really nice underground parking garage, which is great to pack your bags into your vehicle without the pissing rain beating down on you. I'm parked in my usual spot here, and when I came back to it another Westy was pulled up beside me...aww...Karma made a friend. Only you have to go outside to get into the store. So you still end up out in the pissing rain, both coming and going. They have handy escalators from the parking garage up to the store level, and friendly staff to greet you, but you still have to go outside before you can get into the actual store. Dumb.
Again, it doesn't keep me from going all the time. I head out there usually to pick up a few staple groceries. They sell milk for $3.97/gallon. They don't have the selection all the time of a regular grocery store, but it sure is handy to do it all in one store now, if I need something that a grocery store doesn't sell. I was able to buy fresh croissants, knee socks, thumbtacks and oil for the van all at the same store...
The problem arises when you get lost in the Wal-mart time warp. I go in with the intention of picking up one or two things, and come out with 19 other things, and nearly $100 spent. What the hell? I'm shopping like I have a job...things may be cheap at Wal-mart but cheap prices can also trap you as you rationalize why you should get something right now because it's cheap, and not because you NEED it.
I need to find other less expensive rainy day outings...
Again, it doesn't keep me from going all the time. I head out there usually to pick up a few staple groceries. They sell milk for $3.97/gallon. They don't have the selection all the time of a regular grocery store, but it sure is handy to do it all in one store now, if I need something that a grocery store doesn't sell. I was able to buy fresh croissants, knee socks, thumbtacks and oil for the van all at the same store...
The problem arises when you get lost in the Wal-mart time warp. I go in with the intention of picking up one or two things, and come out with 19 other things, and nearly $100 spent. What the hell? I'm shopping like I have a job...things may be cheap at Wal-mart but cheap prices can also trap you as you rationalize why you should get something right now because it's cheap, and not because you NEED it.
I need to find other less expensive rainy day outings...
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